
DOBCEL Policies

St Brigid’s College operates within the Diocese of Ballarat, and is governed by the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL), which oversees a total of 58 schools providing distinctive Catholic education from the Murray to the Sea. This support is operationalised by Catholic Education Ballarat and is responsible for the implementation of DOBCEL strategies, policies and procedures, and overseeing the day to day running of our schools. The role of DOBCEL is to lead, provide service to, and partner with schools to enable every student to flourish and every student, staff member and family to experience the presence of the risen Christ in our schools.

A list of DOBCEL Policies can be found at https://dobcel.catholic.edu.au/policies/

Child Safe Information

St Brigid’s College holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility. Central to the mission of the school is an absolute commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of children and young people and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Our Child Safety Policy details and affirms the standards of behaviour expected for members of the St Brigid’s College community.

St Brigid’s College Child Safety Officers are Mr Leigh McDonald and Mrs Chris Rook. They can be contacted on 03 5382 3545 (Extension # 802) or by email – lmcdonald@stbc.vic.edu.au / crook@stbc.vic.edu.au

St Brigid’s College has developed a range of policies which ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, whilst maximising learning opportunities for students. The policies and procedures below are available to download.
Documents pertaining to the care, safety and welfare of students are denoted with this symbol: Child Safe policy / procedure



Anaphylaxis Policy [DOBCEL]
Asthma Management Policy & Procedures [DOBCEL]
Attendance Policy & Procedure [DOBCEL]
Child Safe policy / procedureBullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying) Policy
Child Safe policy / procedureBehaviour Management Policy & Procedures [DOBCEL]
Child Safe policy / procedure Child Safe Governance Policy [DOBCEL]
Child Safe policy / procedure Child Safety Commitment Statement (CECV)
Child Safe policy / procedure Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Communication Policy
Complaints Handling Policy
Digital Technologies Policy and Agreement [DOBCEL]
Digital Technologies Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Agreement
Child Safe policy / procedure Duty of Care Policy
Child Safe policy / procedure Diversity and Equity Policy
Emergency & Critical Incident Management Policy [DOBCEL]
Enrolment Agreement [DOBCEL]
Enrolment Policy
First Aid & Infection Control Policy [DOBCEL]
First Aid & Infection Control Procedure [DOBCEL]
Child Safe policy / procedure Identifying and Responding to Abuse (PROTECT) Responding Obligations Policy [DOBCEL]
Child Safe policy / procedure Identifying and Responding to Abuse (PROTECT) Responding Obligations Procedures [DOBCEL]
Parents and Guardians Code of Conduct
Privacy Policy
Child Safe policy / procedure Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy (PROTECT) [DOBCEL]
DOBCEL Responsible Person Policy & Procedure
DOBCEL Risk Management Framework
DOBCEL Risk Management Policy
Child Safe policy / procedure DOBCEL Safeguarding Children and Young People: Code of Conduct
School Visitor Policy & Procedure [DOBCEL]
DOBCEL School Student Behaviour Policy
Student Care and Health Policy (First Aid) [DOBCEL]
Student Suspension, Negotiated Transfer & Expulsion Procedures
Supervision of Students Policy [DOBCEL]