Years 8 & 9

In Year 8 and Year 9, students make choices about their learning and their future direction and continue to build on the relationships, knowledge and skills that they have acquired in earlier years. They are challenged to extend their capacity for learning and to assume higher levels of independence and responsibility. The Years 8 and Year 9 programs sustain the focus on essential learning for success, including literacy and numeracy, and on providing breadth and balance as students develop interests and passions that may guide their future pathway.

Subjects Offered:

Digital Technology (Year 8 only)Art
EnglishDigital Technology
HumanitiesForensic Science
Japanese (Year 8 only)Humanities
Pastoral CareMedia
Physical EducationMusic
Religious EducationOutdoor and Environmental Studies (Year 9 only)
Product Design and Technology
Sports Academy
Visual Communication and Design