Parent Access Module (PAM)

The St Brigid’s College Parent Access Module (PAM) is an interactive, online, school based website for parents.

Parent Access Module (PAM) Guide
SIMON Everywhere Guide

PAM is a personalised and secure ‘live’ school access website where families can keep up to date with information and activities within the school and track student academic progress on a daily basis.

Families can use PAM to view student timetables, daily messages, Extra-Curricular opportunities and notes regarding excursions, camps, sporting events, competitions and so on.  PAM also includes links to student home study and assessment tasks, as well as the resources required to complete them.  Parents can monitor assessment and home study task due dates and email teachers directly to discuss student progress.

Assessment and feedback on academic development occur in ‘real time’ at St Brigid’s.  As each piece of assessment is completed, teacher marks and provide feedback regarding student skills and knowledge are made available to families on PAM.

Student reports are also made available on PAM, including our regular Teacher Advisor Reports and Semester and Yearly Progress Reports.  PAM is accessible via computer or mobile device with a Skoolbag alert being sent to registered mobile phones or emails to keep families updated.

Click to: Open PAM