Learning & Teaching

The curriculum at St Brigid’s College provides all students with a wide variety of educational experiences that will prepare them for further study and employment, and enable them to make a confident and meaningful contribution to a rapidly changing and technologically connected global society. Learning & Teaching is shaped by our understanding and appreciation of Catholic education as a holistic process and is underpinned by contemporary educational theory and a rigorous practice of continuous improvement.

Building positive and inclusive relationships is a key focus of our learning program across all levels, to ensure that every student feels safe, secure and valued. Bullying and harassment are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at St Brigid’s College.

Our smaller school community has a welcoming sense of family and belonging, but we are big enough to offer a rich education with a broad range of subjects and pathways across VCE, VCE VM and VET. Students participate in Religious Education, retreats and social justice programs and have a strong sense of community, school spirit and pride.

Every student is assigned a Teacher Advisor upon enrolment, whose role is that of a learning mentor, advisor and advocate for their entire school life at St Brigid’s.  Students meet with their Teacher Advisor every morning for Homeroom and for one to one, personal interviews to discuss their academic progress, celebrate achievements, establish goals and to work together to manage or overcome problems that the student may be experiencing. This empowering program ensures that we personally know every student in our College, their goals, challenges and aspirations, and builds the important relationship between student, school and home.

Digital Technology is an important part of teaching and learning at St Brigid’s. Every student has a digital learning device which allows for seamless learning. Students are able to easily switch learning contexts – from formal to informal or personal to social – and to take control of their own learning. Devices are used safely within the classroom to explore new ways to gain knowledge, communicate and collaborate, increase personal learning, share learning discoveries and extend learning beyond the classroom. We guide students to become responsible digital citizens in our rapidly expanding and changing technical world and have a strict Digital Technology Policy to ensure that devices are used responsibly and safely.

St Brigid’s College strongly values relationships with families, the local community and the global community. ‘Live’ communication with families through our Parent Access Module (PAM) means that teachers, students and families are in constant contact and can work together on student learning tasks and plans. Connections to our local community and businesses are an integral part of our personal learning and social justice programs, student work experience, VET programs, School Based Apprenticeships and student employment. Our students are connected to the global world regularly through their classwork and learning activities.