
School fees are charged annually in February. The comprehensive tuition and subject fee includes items such as most classroom teaching requirements, Year 11 and 12 Retreats and the Year 7 to 9 Camps. Also included is our student accident insurance premium. Any applicable Outdoor Ed camp fee or other Subject Levy are outlined in the respective year level Handbook. Excluded from the global fee are specific items or services provided by the College for individual students (for example, specific equipment hire, individual and extra-ordinary creative arts or technology supplies) that will be charged individually at applicable times during the year.

See the Fee Schedule for more information.

Fee Statements are issued in February with payment in full expected by 31st March. Alternatively, St Brigid’s College offers fortnightly or monthly payment options, to clear fees payable before the end of Term IV.  The installments can be made via Direct Debit (the school’s preferred option), BPay, Centrepay deduction, Eftpos or by cash/cheque.
St Brigid’s College has the necessary forms to establish any one of the above payment options. No charge is made for this service. Please contact the College Business Manager to make arrangements. Please view our Fee Payment and Collection Policy.
Any fees not on a payment Plan and outstanding after 31st March, are deemed to be ‘in arrears’ and will be dealt with in accordance with the “Fee Collection Procedures” contained within the school’s Fee Payment and Collection Policy.

Fees are set at the commencement of each school year but may change at the College’s discretion in line with increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or other variables relating to the operation of the College. Current fees can be obtained by contacting the Front Office.

We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.