Families and students are encouraged to contact the College to arrange a personalised tour and speak to us about your child’s educational needs.
Enrolment Pack
St Brigid’s College welcome enrolments for students across all year levels. Please find below links to information regarding our College and enrolments. We encourage you to contact us on (03) 5382 3545 to organise an Enrolment Pack.
If you would like to receive a copy of our Information Booklet, please click here:
Enrolment Application Form
Fee Schedule
Uniform Style Guide
Lowes Uniform Price List
Parent Access Module (PAM) Guide
SIMON Everywhere Guide
All new students are required to complete and submit an Enrolment Application Form. Enrolment Applications should be accompanied by a copy of the student’s Birth Certificate and most recent school report, with details of a senior contact person at the student’s current school.
To be processed, the Enrolment Application form must be accompanied by a $60.00 (non-refundable) application fee.
All applicants and their parents/guardians will have an interview with our Principal. Interviews run for approximately 20 minutes and are usually conducted during August.
Applications will be subject to available places for a particular year level and each application will be considered by the Principal on its merits and take into account special circumstances. The Principal will take into account the student’s genuine and personal desire to be at St Brigid’s College and to be involved in the life of our College.
On completion of the student’s interview, and subject to approval, a Letter of Offer will be issued. At this stage, and upon return of your signed paperwork, the student’s enrolment will be secured.
Conditions for Admission
All submitted Application Forms must be accompanied by a $60 (non-refundable) application fee. Interviews for places only be arranged once the enrolment fee is paid.
As part of the formal application, the student and their parents/guardians are required to sign their acceptance of the terms of enrolment as stated on the Enrolment Application form, and based upon the conditions and criteria stated in the College’s Enrolment Policy.
Enrolment at St Brigid’s College requires students and parents/guardians:
- to accept an obligation that the student will abide by the College rules and standards of conduct and behaviour at the time of appointment and as they evolve overtime.
- to become members of the St Brigid’s College community. It is understood that the acceptance of enrolment implies an undertaking on the part of the student, with the support of their parents, to participate fully in all College activities as required of them.
- for Temporary enrolment, for example exchange students, and their sponsors, being bound by the same conditions as all other students, insofar as this is not an unreasonable demand.
- for continuing enrolment, the student and their parents abiding by the original conditions for admission (including all/any amendments), and meeting all school fees when due.
It is an obligation binding on parents or legal guardians who believe that they may be unable to pay the fees in full, that they discuss this with our Business Manager (or delegate) when applying for enrolment if it is known at that time, and at any other time after enrolment if such a situation arises.
St Brigid’s College offers an Annual Scholarship Program. For full details on the scholarship opportunities available, please click here.
College Tours
Personalised tours of our College are available by contacting the school office on (03) 5382 3545 or emailing info@stbc.vic.edu.au. A member of our leadership team look forward to sharing our College with your family.
Open Days & Enrolment Information Evening
For more information on our annual Open Day, please click here:
Year 7 Orientation Day
Once your child has enrolled, they are invited to attend the College Orientation Day. This is held in December each year. We believe this day forms part of the successful transition from Primary School to Secondary School which allows your child (and parents) to meet with other friends and make new ones before starting. This day will be advertised to you via the School Newsletter, which new enrolment families will start to receive (via email) in Term 4 of each year.
Other Information
Fees are set at the commencement of each school year but may change at the College’s discretion in line with increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or other variables relating to the operation of St Brigid’s College.
Please contact the office on (03) 5382 3545 for a copy of the current fee schedule.