Catholic Identity at St Brigid’s
St Brigid’s College is a Catholic School and, as such, aims to integrate our Catholic faith in the lives of its students, staff and parent body, and to witness to our society the presence of Jesus Christ in our world.
The environment of a school plays a very important part in transmitting and living out the Christian message and all staff, students, and parents play an integral role in creating a positive Christian and educational environment. We, therefore, believe the following to be true. The environment we wish to engender is characterised by respect for each person’s dignity, by justice and forgiveness and by the acceptance of differences so that the unique value of each person before God is a lived reality. The Catholic and Christian identity of St Brigid’s College is clearly proclaimed and promoted by the whole community. To do this we place priority on prayer, worship and service, and we strive to maintain a Religious Education program of the highest quality. The Catechetical ministry of St Brigid’s College belongs to the whole community and, in particular, to each staff member. St Brigid’s College offers whatever assistance it can to parents in order to enable them to carry out their task as Catholic parents.
Religious Education is essential to the life of St Brigid’s, having an integral role as the school strives to realise its goals. Religious Education endeavours to make explicit the values, which are found, in the school environment and in all the activities of the school.
Therefore the Religious Education program aims:
- To awaken, nourish and develop faith by a clear communication of the Christian message, taught in a way which takes into account the readiness of the student and uses the best principles of teaching
- To provide opportunities for experiencing and expressing faith within a Christian community
- To impart a systematic knowledge of the person and teachings of Jesus Christ
- To assist in the full personal growth of students
- To help students understand the meaning of Church and to develop a sense of belonging to it
- To nurture Christian morality in the decision-making
- To encourage students to give witness to their faith through the service of others
Click here to view the Awakenings Religious Education Curriculum