Buses and Conveyance Allowance
To register for country bus travel, please call Horsham College Bus Coordinator by phoning 5381 7100.
Conveyance Allowance
While the transport of students to school is primarily the responsibility of students’ families, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) recognises the need of some students for assistance with getting to and from school. Therefore the Department provides financial support in the form of a conveyance allowance to assist some families.
The Conveyance Allowance contributes to the cost of transporting children to attend their closest appropriate school/campus in rural and regional Victoria. The Conveyance Allowance is generally restricted to students attending schools located in rural and regional Victoria in recognition of the often limited public transport options to travel to and from school.
To be eligible, students must live in regional and rural Victoria and live more than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route from their nearest appropriate government or non-government school. The shortest practicable route is defined as the shortest distance by road from a student’s house to the school gate.
An allowance may be payable if students are conveyed to school by private car, private bus (usually school chartered) or public transport.
Private car reimbursement is calculated on a one-way travel distance between the student’s place of residence and the school bus stop. A private car conveyance allowance is not available if the journey could have been made using a public transport service or free school bus.
For full eligibility criteria and further information, please refer to the DEECD Government Web Site where you can obtain further information.
If you believe you are eligible and wish to complete a Conveyance Allowance application form, please feel free to visit the school or phone us on (03) 5382 3545 for assistance.